Our Emotional Software

You’ve likely had the experience of listening to a motivational speaker who really manages to get you pumped-up about the topic they are presenting. You leave the presentation ready to change your world with your newly discovered drive and motivation. Then, within a few weeks, or days, or even hours, another voice speaks to you... The inspiration, motivation and confidence fade away and you find yourself settling back into a familiar state of mind.

How does this happen?

When we are listening to those inspirational speakers, we are listening to that particular individual’s emotional software program, their individual emotional history. We are hearing what that person thinks, feels, and believes. But, throughout the course of our own personal emotional history which is developing during our first 18-20 years of life, we are writing our own emotional software program. Since this history is written from the vantage point of a childhood containing tough experiences, our emotional software contains a discouraging voice that leads to insecurities, doubts and fears in adulthood.

We must correct the mistakes in our emotional software program where misinterpretations override reason and our collection of feelings, be they conscious or subconscious, which we have filed away in the back of our minds, speak to us and cause us to continue to fall back into familiar patterns rather than engage and adhere to a new and improved rational thinking pattern.